Our brand ambassadors

Vlad “Zuumy” Shurigin

Zuumy is one of the largest automotive photographers in the United States, based in LA. He consistently shoots for some of the largest brands and continues to serve as an amazing role model for his large photographer following. As a CarLife Brand Ambassador, he embodies professionalism and quality while helping CarLife grow its network and brand.

@zuumy, 220K+ followers

Taylor Shenuski

Taylor has been shooting with CarLife for over 6 years – creating content on a weekly basis for clients such as Ferrari, Porsche, and Toyota. As a brand ambassador, Taylor embodies CarLife’s commitment to excellence and innovation. His passion for photography and unwavering dedication to their craft inspire others within the CarLife community to strive for greatness and push creative boundaries.

@tshenphotography, 140K+ followers

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